Upcoming Meetings

More info on the 2025 schedule coming soon.

The Lewistown Downtown Association (LDA) is a non-profit association with an uplifting mission and an unwavering commitment to foster excellence in the heart of Lewistown. The LDA has no additional membership outside of the board & committee members themselves

The LDA Board meets monthly on the monthly, generally on the 4th Wednesday of the month. Meeting dates and times may change due to holidays and board member schedules.  Intermittent special meetings are held when deeper work is needed.   Board members must be residents of Central Montana, their terms are three (3) years.

Board Member Application >>

To accomplish it's goals and work on projects, the LDA has standing committees as well as ad hoc committees to complete work outside of the monthly board meetings. Board members serve on these as their time and interests allow. Community members are encouraged to participate on specific committees and add to the workforce on individual projects.

Current Board members are:  Abby Franks (Board Chair), Laura Tucek (Vice Chair), Mary Baumstark (Secretary), Chris Cooler (Treasurer), Jennifer Saunders, Lee West, Amy Clark, Amber Davis.


Stay with us while in Lewistown